Home » News - Recent » IMPORTANT: UPDATE – 2023 RATE CHANGES!


We understand the recent years and inflation have hit many families a bit harder than usual and we delayed rate changes as long as possible. But we are committed to being a supporter of the Living wage and thus due to the minimum living wage increasing we have amended several fees as at 01/09/2023.

Our Rate Changes:

Standard Babysitter Hourly rates are now $26 per hour.

Standard Public Holiday rates are still $30 per hour (for all families – both Member and Non-Member).

Current Standard Short Notice Babysitter Hourly rates are still $30 per hour. Current Members still get the benefit of applying the $26 per hour rate.

Cancellation Fee is $45 (Non-Member) and  $35 (Member).

Minimum Booking amount payable to a babysitter is $45 (Non-Member) and  $35 (Member). Note: This is payable even if the booking is of shorter duration than would equate to the above amounts payable, I.e. Less than 1.75hours (Non-Member) and less than 1.33 hours (Member).

Also the standard Petrol reimbursement rate has been adjusted in line with the IRD recommended rate (currently 95c per Km for all vehicle types), negotiating this rate may be possible in individual circumstances but usually depends on the babysitter and exact parameters of the job. Long distance travel rates (if you live in the wider Dunedin or beyond area), are still calculated differently based on the combination of total travel time from the Octagon and total duration of the job.

Combined families rate (if combining children from more than one family is still $3 per hour per extra child, from the other family/lies, the additional children of equal or lower sized family/ies is used for this calculation. I.e. the largest family is considered the ‘main’ family plus all the extra children thereafter).

All Agency Booking Fees and Membership renewal fees remain the same.